Finsta supported industries
From NBFCs to Nidhi companies, small banks, producer companies, and mutually aided credit cooperative societies (MACS).
Our skillful and competent developers build specialized fintech software that helps the NBFCs, Nidhi companies, and small banks to carry out their deposit-taking and lending activities in a hassle-free manner.
In the context of producer companies and mutually aided credit cooperative societies, it helps them to take care of the financing needs of all their members based on the cooperative model.
Our service helps these financial institutions to fulfill their business needs in a secure, transparent, and efficient manner.
Small Banks
DCCB (District Credit Cooperative Bank)
Nidhi companies
Credit Cooperative Societies / Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies
Cooperative Banks
Deposit-taking Non-Banking Financial Company [NBFC-D]
Producer companies
RRB's (Regional Rural Banks)
Microfinance Organizations
Non-Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC-ND)
Credit Unions, PACS (Primary Agricultural Credit Societies)
Finsta edge
Designed to take advantage
- Contact KYC
- Document Vault
- Loan Configurator
- Authorizations and approvals
- NPA Analysis & Trend Reports
- Regulatory & Risk Reporting
- BI & Analytics
- Data Management
- Mobility